Conference Proceedings

International Conference

D. Yoon, M. Jeong, J. Lee, S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Integrating Urban Air Mobility with Highway Infrastructure: A Strategic Approach for Vertiport Location Selection in the Seoul Metropolitan Area" TRB, 2025

N. Kim, H. Lee, Y. Yoon. "A Heterogeneous Attention Network Model for Longitudinal Analysis of Socioeconomic and Racial Inequalities in Urban Regions: Evidence from Chicago, IL", ACM SIGSPATIAL, 2023

Y. Shin, G. Seong, N. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Understanding Urban Economic Status through GNN-based Urban Representation Learning Using Mobility Data", UrbanAI 2023 : The 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Advances in Urban AI

H. Lee, N. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Detecting socioeconomic changes of Chicago regions between 2013 and 2020 using urban region representation learning", The 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), 2023

G. Seong, N. Kim, S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Multi-modal Based Region Representation Learning Considering Mobility Data in Seoul", The 14th International Conference on Ambient Systems, Networks and Technologies (ANT), 2023

S. Oh, Y. Yoon, S. Kim. "Risk analysis of unmanned aerial system operations in urban airspace considering spatiotemporal population dynamics" 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2022

Y. Shin, Y. Yoon. "A Comparative Study on Basic Elements of Deep Learning Models for Spatial-Temporal Traffic Forecasting", AAAI 2021 Workshop: AI for Transportation, 2021

S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Vertiport Location Selection for Urban Air Mobility Based on Urban Taxi Mobility Data", INFORMS (Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences), 2022

N. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Graph Neural Network Applications for UAM Commute Flow Prediction", INFORMS (Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences), 2022

S. Oh, Y. Yoon. "Data-driven Approach for Comprehensive Airspace Assessment of Small Unmanned Aircraft System Operations in Urban Environments", INFORMS (Institute for Operation Research and the Management Sciences), 2022

S. Oh, Y. Yoon, S. Kim. "Risk Analysis of Unmanned Aerial System Operations in Urban Airspace Considering Spatiotemporal Population Dynamics", 2022 IEEE 25th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC), 2022

J. Cho, H. Cho, S. Oh, S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Can Urban Air Mobility Become a Public Transportation Option?: Understanding Sociodemographic Characteristics and Urban Air Mobility Adoption Readiness in Seoul, South Korea", Transportation Research Board: 101st Annual Meeting, 2022

J. Cho, Y. Yoon. "Segmentation of Low-altitude Airspace in Highly Constrained Environments", ICRAT(International Conference on Research in Air Transportation), 2020

N. Kim, Y. Yoon. "How to assess the feasibility of sUAS applications in urban environment: geodemographic analysis of 3D urban space", ICRAT(International Conference on Research in Air Transportation) Doctoral Symposium, 2020

S. Kim, Y. Shin, Y. Yoon. "Topological Data Analysis on the Northeast Asian Air Route Network", ICRAT(International Conference on Research in Air Transportation) Doctoral Symposium, 2020

S. Oh, J. Cho, N. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Preliminary Impact Assessment of Restricting Airspace Over Populated Areas for sUAS Operation". Transportation Research Board 99th Annual Meeting, 2020

S. Oh, Y. Yoon. "Assessing the impact of restricting airspace in populated areas on airspace availability for UAV Operation". The 32nd KKHTCNN Symposium, 2019

N. Kim, Y. Yoon. "A study on the urban airspace for sUAV operation". The 32nd KKHTCNN Symposium, 2019

Y. Shin, Y. Yoon. "Reflecting Structural Dynamicity of Traffic Networks to Graph Convolution Modules: A Deep Learning Approach to Traffic Forecasting". The 32nd KKHTCNN Symposium, 2019

S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Weighted Complex Network Analysis of the Northeast Asian Air Route Network". The 32nd KKHTCNN Symposium, 2019

Y. Noh, S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Evaluation on Diversity of Drivers' Cognitive Stress Response using EEG and ECG Signals during Real-Traffic Experiment with an Electric Vehicle". 2019 IEEE INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS CONFERENCE (ITSC), 2019

N. Kim, Y. Yoon, "A Study on Airspace Availability of Urban Areas". The 23rd ATRS(Aviation Transport Research Society) World Conference, 2019

S. Kim, Y. Yoon, "Robustness Analysis of the Northeast Asian Air Transport Network as a Complex Network". The 23rd ATRS(Aviation Transport Research Society) World Conference, 2019

J. Cho, Y. Yoon. "Extraction and Interpretation of Geometrical and Topological Properties of Urban Airspace for UAS Operations". 13th ATM R&D Seminar, 2019

N. Kim, Y. Yoon. "sUAV Collision Avoidance Strategies Based On Satisficing Game Theory". The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium, 2018

S. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Topological Properties of the Northeast Asian Air Transport Network as a Complex Network". The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium, 2018

J. Cho, Y. Yoon. "Preliminary Study on Routing Strategies for sUAS Operations in Urban Environments". The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium, 2018

Y. Shin, Y. Yoon. "Data-Driven Approach to Urban Transportation Road Network Analysis Using Topological Data Analysis – Case Study on Gangnam District, Seoul". The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium, 2018

S. Oh, Y. Noh, Y. Yoon. "Characterizing the influence of elderly taxi drivers to road safety in ageing society – a case study of Seoul, South Korea". The 31st KKHTCNN Symposium, 2018

Y. Yoon, "Data-Driven Approach to Aviation Safety Management - a Case Study on Association between Runway Incidents and Turnaround Time in South Korean Airports", Transportation Research Board, 2018

J. Lee, Y. Noh, S. Kim, S. Oh, Y. Yoon. "Assessing the impact of introducing high-speed rail on demand of railway in Korea". The 2nd Asian Conference on Railway Engineering and Transportation, 2018

Y. Shin, J. Cho, NW. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Predicting Seoul Subway Hourly Passenger Demand Using Neural Network Models". The 2nd Asian Conference on Railway Engineering and Transportation, 2018

N. Kim, Y. Yoon, "Conflict Resolution Policy for Small UAV Based on Satisficing Theory". The 22nd ATRS(Aviation Transport Research Society) World Conference, 2018

J. Cho, Y. Shin, Y. Yoon. "Investigating the effect of alternative geofencing on the availability of low-altitude urban airspace". The 22nd ATRS(Aviation Transport Research Society) World Conference, 2018

J. Cho, Y. Yoon. "Assessing the airspace availability for sUAV operations in urban environments: A topological approach using keep-in and keep-out geofence", ICRAT(International Conference on Research in Air Transportation) Doctoral Symposium, 2018 

M. Kim. J. Cho. Y. Yoon. "Investigation of Patient Concentration Phenomenon in Emergency Departments Considering Transportation Costs", International Federation of Operational Research Societies(IFORS), 2017

S. Kim. J. Cho. Y. Yoon. "Simulation-based Assessment of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Traffic Congestion in Metropolitan Area", International Federation of Operational Research Societies(IFORS), 2017

J. Lee. Y. oon. "A study on the Railway Demand for Seoul to Major City of Gyeongbu Line in the Past 12 Years Using Outlier Detection", The 29th KKHTCNN Symposium, 2016

S. Oh. Y. Yoon. "A study on the Mitigation of Airspace Delay in Hong Kong International Airport", The 29th KKHTCNN Symposium, 2016

M. Kim, Y. Yoon. "Effectiveness of school zone improvement program in Dongdaemun-gu", The 29th KKHTCNN Symposium, 2016

S. Kim. Y. Yoon. "A study on Electric Vehicle Drivers' Battery Anxiety with EEG Signal Analysis", The 29th KKHTCNN Symposium, 2016

J. Cho, Y. Yoon. “UAV traffic in urban airspace: A simple measure of conflict”, The 29th KKHTCNN Symposium, 2016

Y. Noh, Y. Yoon, "Tactical Traffic Control for Multiple AGV Systems based on Three Dimensional Space", AIP Conference Proceedings. 2016

D. Jin, S. Kim, Y. Yoon, "Identifying Range Anxiety of Electric Vehicle Drivers using Psychophysiological Measures"  INFORMS 2016

Y. Noh, Y. Yoon, "Tactical Traffic Control for Multiple AGV Systems Based on Three Dimensional Space" INFORMS 2016

Y. Woo, Y. Yoon, "Comparative Analysis of Various Population Groups in Car Collision Based on Collision Risk Factors Using Data Mining Technique" INFORMS 2016

J. Lee, Y. Yoon, "A Quantitative Approach to Assessing the Impact of the Mt. Baekdu Explosion on South Korea’s Air Traffic Flow in a Volcanic Ash Dispersal Scenario", International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2016

J. Cho, Y. Yoon, "GIS-based Analysis on Vulnerability of Ambulance Response Coverage to Traffic Condition", IEEE ITSC (Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference), 2015

J. Lee, Y. Yoon. "Impact of the Mt. Baegdu explosion to South Korea’s air traffic flow" Transport Research Board, 2015

O. Kwon. Y. Yoon. W. Rhee. “Analysis of Risk Factor Dependency Applying Data Mining Techniques to Traffic Accident Data” International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2014

Y. Yoon. “Adaptive Risk Modeling Method using Hazard Matrix for Proactive Transportation Safety Management” International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences 2014

O. Kwon, Y. Yoon. "Analysis of risk factor dependency using traffic accident data". The 8th AOTULE meeting and conference. 2013

Y. Yoon, S. Jung, K. Jang, S. Kang, “Impacts of influential factors on vehicle to vehicle crash frequency and severity in rainy weather”, Transport Research Board, 2013

S. Jung, X. Qin, Y. Yoon, “Evaluation of motorcycle safety strategies using the severity of injuries”, Transportation Research Board, 2013

K. Kim, Y. Yoon, “Link criticality based on most probable network states for predisaster investment”, ASCE workshop on computing in civil engineering, 2013

Y. Noh, Y. Yoon, “A perspective on occurrence in aviation safety management of South Korea through survey on various occurrence categories”, Air Transport Research Society, 2013

S. Tak, D. Lee, Y. Yoon, “Study on occurrence categories and accident-related events based on the accident reports of the Republic of Korea”, Air Transport Research Society, 2013

​K. Kim, J. Lee, Y. Yoon, “A framework to determine critical links of an intercity rail network for pre-disaster infrastructure”, INFORMS 2013

E. Kim, Y. Yoon, “Hazard risk assessment in aviation: methodology and case study based on NTSB accident/incident data”, INFORMS 2013

O. Kwon, Y. Yoon, “Application of Bayesian network for hazard-based risk modeling in aviation safety management system”, INFORMS 2013

Y. Noh, Y. Yoon, “Occurrence in aviation safety management of South Korea: survey on various occurrence categories”, INFORMS 2013

J. Lee, Y. Yoon, “Aviation system reliability during natural disaster”, INFORMS 2013

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, “Value of perfect weather information in the probabilistic air traffic flow management: an application of the geometric recourse model”, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2012

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, M. O. Ball, “Optimal route decision with a geometric ground-airborne hybrid model under weather uncertainty”, International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory, 2012

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, M. O. Ball, “Optimal route generation with geometric recourse model under weather uncertainty”, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2010

S. Tak, Y. Yoon, “A framework to evaluate system-wide vulnerability of a transportation network under disaster events”, INFORMS 2012

O. Kwon, Y. Yoon, “Understanding the human behavior in the traffic accident using data mining framework”, INFORMS 2012

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, “Value of perfect weather information in the probabilistic air traffic management”, INFORMS 2012

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, M. O. Ball, “Geometric recourse model for optimal route generation”, INFORMS 2009

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, “Optimal reroute strategy under weather uncertainty”, INFORMS 2008

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, “Modeling stochastic evolution of runway capacity using data mining concepts”, International Conference on Research in Air Transportation, 2008

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, “Modeling stochastic evolution of runway capacity using data mining concepts”, INFORMS 2007

Y. Yoon, M. Hansen, "The impact of advanced technology on Next Generation Air Transportation: A  case study of Required Navigation Performance (RNP)", AIAA Modeling and Simulations Technology Conference, 2007​​

National Conference Presentation

성광환, 신유열, 윤윤진, "지역별 장애인 콜택시의 접근 형평성 분석" 2022 춘계공동학술대회(한국경영과학회, 대한산업공학회), 2022

이혜영, 김남우, 윤윤진, "Urban Region Representation Learning Reflecting Seoul Census Data" 2022 춘계공동학술대회(한국경영과학회, 대한산업공학회), 2022

오수환, 김세윤, 윤윤진, "Population risk analysis of small unmanned aircraft system operations in urban environments" 2022 춘계공동학술대회(한국경영과학회, 대한산업공학회), 2022

신유열, 윤윤진, "Traffic speed prediction in urban mobility system using taxi GPS tracking data." 2020 한국추계경영과학회, 2020

조정우, 윤윤진, "Overview of current UAM concept of operation and researches." 2020 한국추계경영과학회, 2020

김남우, 윤윤진, "Graph-based clustering of urban airspace with spatial constraints for UAM applications in NY and SF." 2020 한국추계경영과학회, 2020

김남우, 윤윤진. "Satisficing Theory based Cooperative Conflict Resolution Strategy for Multiple Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles",  한국경영과학회 추계학술대회, 2017

김민재, 노유나, 윤윤진. "서울시 노인 보행자 교통사고의 부상 심각도 영향 평가", 한국경영과학회 추계학술대회, 2017

노유나, 윤윤진. "Personalized Driving Stress Recognition of Electric Vehicle in Physiological Signals", 한국경영과학회 추계학술대회, 2017

조정우, 윤윤진. "Identification of Risk-Resilient Air Space for sUAV Operations in a highly urbanized area", 한국경영과학회 추계학술대회, 2017

노유나, 윤윤진. "서울시 교통사고 노인 탑승자의 좌석 위치 및 안전벨트 사용에 따른 부상심각도 영향 평가", 춘계공동학술대회(대한산업공학회, 한국경영과학회, 한국시뮬레이션학회) , 2017

김세윤, 장영재, 윤윤진. "생체신호를 활용한 주행 데이터 기반 운전자의 스트레스 추정 기법 연구", 춘계공동학술대회(대한산업공학회, 한국경영과학회, 한국시뮬레이션학회) , 2017

조정우, 윤윤진. "교통 네트워크 및 데이터 기반 응급의료서비스 접근성 분석", 춘계공동학술대회(대한산업공학회, 한국경영과학회, 한국시뮬레이션학회) , 2017

김남우, 신유열, 윤윤진. "이타적 충돌회피 이론 기반 무인비행장치 충돌회피 성능 요건 분석", 춘계공동학술대회(대한산업공학회, 한국경영과학회, 한국시뮬레이션학회) , 2017

김민재, 조정우, 윤윤진.  "GIS 네트워크 분석을 통한 서울시 응급의료서비스 이송시간 분석", 춘계공동학술대회(대한산업공학회, 한국경영과학회, 한국시뮬레이션학회) , 2017

Y. Kang, J, Lee. Y, Yoon. "서울시 어린이 보행자 사고 위험요인 분석에 관한 연구"  The 75th Conference of Korean Society of Transportation 2016

​S. Kim., Y. Noh., Y. Yoon. “격자기반 물류창고에서의 복수 운송로봇 교통제어 알고리즘 연구” The 72th Conference of Korean Society of Transportation 2015

S. Kim. Y. Yoon. “의사결정나무를 이용한 고속도로 교통사고 시설 피해액 분석” The 72th Conference of Korean Society of Transportation 2015

J. Cho. Y. Yoon. “교통정보 및 지리정보체계를 반영한 구급차 출동범위 분석” The 72th Conference of Korean Society of Transportation 2015

J. Lee, Y. Yoon, "항공서비스제공자의 안전성과지표에 대한 사례연구" The 72th Conference of Korean Society of Transportation 2015​​