
Urban Region Representation Learning

In this work, we propose heterogeneous urban graph attention network (HUGAT), which incorporates heterogeneity of diverse urban datasets.

Urban Air Mobility

As our first step toward UAM demand forecasting, we considered the case of using existing helipads. We plan to expand our scope in future work to UAM routing, fleet rebalancing and scheduling.

Traffic Forecasting

​​Traffic forecasting problem is a research area in transportation engineering that has flourished over the last couple of decades, and started to garner broader research interest as a key technical enabler of the adaptive traffic management.

UTM and Spatial Analysis

This research field includes Regionalization for urban air mobility application in metropolitan areas, Density-aware flight planning for multiple agents in urban airspace, ​Cooperative sUAV Collision Avoidance, and so on.

Transportation Network and Data Representation 

In this research field, we conduct about Traffic Data Representation: ​Resolutions and Structures and Air Route Network as Complex Network.

Autonomous Vehicle 

Our study incorporates the individual difference to characterize the workload response on personal basis. & The result shows two groups of subjects, one not showing much evidence of stress and the other exhibiting sufficient stress.

Traffic Safety

This research field contains Elderly Pedestrian Safety and Elderly Driver Injury Severity by Seat Positions and Seat-belt Use.

Aviation System

Includes Aviation System Safety, Management and Reliability, and Centered Maintenance Program Development.